Monday, February 15, 2016

Babies Don't Keep

My very talented friend Lacy Deese whipped this up one night right before I had our baby. What started out with a funny, left me in tears. Enjoy.

Twas 3 days before baby when all through the house
not a creature was stirring 
not even a mouse
Except when Heather got up in a hurry
And whispered to Daniel, "I want a Mcflurry."
Pretty soon all these cravings and wake ups will end 
But at 3 am when you wake, you'll have a new friend 
These sleepless nights when you get up 7 times to pee
Will turn into breastfeeding and Netflix on TV 
So here's to the nights of days gone by 
Of uninterrupted sleep and a twinkle in your eye. 
Now the twinkle will come from the love that you share 
For a babe whose days and nights are mixed up and it doesn't care! 

But oh how those nights you will treasure so
Hold on to them fondly and never let go 
Never let someone lead you to guilt or fright 
When they ask "is your baby sleeping through the night?"
And gently remember when you're begging for sleep 
To hold tight to that baby 
cause babies don't keep
Rock it and nurse it as much as you want  
And just watch its hair grow every day-
Cause if you don't...
One day it will be driving and awake you will lie
Wishing it were home where you could hold it tight 
Enjoy the moments your arms ache from the holding 
And take in all the sweet smells and soft skin you're beholding 
When you rock it for hours til your bottom is numb 
Remember it won't be long til the day will come 
That you'll miss these days even though they are hard 
And soak up the moments- don't let them be marred 
By misinterpretations of what's happening really-
Babies don't sleep through the night you silly! 
Its crying is simply its language to you 
It's telling you something- so listen for clues
The dirty diapers just mean that it's eating and growing 
So be thankful for each of the blowouts it's blowing 
Your clothes won't be quite as clean as before 
And you might cry real easy and your nipples be sore 
And all of its good- every single bit 
So bump it and rock it and don't ever quit 

And again don't forget when you're desperate for sleep...
To hold tight to that baby cause babies don't keep. 

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