Thursday, June 30, 2011

favorite color: orange

I love orange. The color. The flavor. Especially the popsicle! My wedding decor was orange, didn't care what it was, as long as it was orange. In my searching for ideas for the porch today, I stumbled across rooms with orange and turquoise. LOVE THEM.

Before wife; After wife

I am not an animal person, we all know that. But I did say "I Do" to two large dogs- a Boxer named Jackson and a Black Lab named Bella. They are sweet, well-behaved dogs with slobbery jaws and smelly coats. They have occupied the screen-in porch area of our house (cabin). By occupied, I mean, they made the screen-in porch completely disgusting. Hairy and Stinky. But it was convenient for Daniel to feed them quickly before bedtime and kept them close to the heat during the bitter winter months.
The porch is absolutely beautiful and extends around 3/4 of the house. I knew it would be one of the first things I tackled once I moved here. There is something incredibly festive, romantic and cozy about a screened area used for dining and entertaining.
The first Saturday after our honeymoon, the pressure-washer was in motion. After a trip to Ikea and Target, I have achieved my goal.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Wythe Blue

Many of my friends have used the Benjamin Moore color "Wythe Blue" in their homes. In my NE Jackson townhouse, I used it in my bedroom all the way up to my tall vaulted ceilings. It still remains one of my favorite paint colors. Once, I get out of our wood-paneled cabin in THE WOODS resort, I will revisit the Wythe Blue Walls. Here are a few examples of the so called blue in rooms I love from the internet.

Friday, June 24, 2011

where in the world have i been?

Well, currently i find myself in West Virginia. Yes, living in West Virginia. And MARRIED. I haven't blogged in a long time. I have a lot of catching up to do. I thought about starting a new blog, you know, now that I am in a new season, but I decided against it. I have decided to add more "such things" that I have stored up in years past.
I plan to blog on a few of my interests: interior design, fashion, organization and communication/advertising commentaries.
I hope you plan to read, I promise to deliver!