Monday, March 3, 2014

Another one about Daniel

Yes it is 4:25 am and I am blogging. Maybe all the meds for this pesky pneumonia are to blame. I have not had a restful night of sleep in almost a week now. Daniel has been a trooper. Seriously. I have coughed so much during the night this winter, that I am surprised he hasn't left me for the sofa permanently. Tonight I jokingly said "check on me in the middle of the night and make sure I am still breathing." He quickly responded "That is not even funny. Pneumonia is serious stuff."
I married a man who knows my body language so well that it only takes a glance into my eyes or a change in my breathing pattern to know when I am not ok. I suppose most can say the same about their spouse. But indulge me here, I am still in awe of it.
He takes care of me. He does not ask if I need anything, he just does it. Water? He brings it. Meds? He makes sure I have taken them. My favorite quilt? He knows where to find it. Phone charger plugged in on my nightstand? Every night. This list goes on, but I will spare you.
Tonight, as he was drifting off to sleep, his hand landed on my pillow next to my face. I clasped his hand and I could feel his wedding band under mine. Fighting back the tears, my heart was overwhelmed. The way he cares for me is the purest devotion I have ever known (well, second to that of my mother.) I saw it from the beginning. I knew it when I met him. It is second nature to him. This is the reason it only took 10 months of dating him to say "I do" to him.
A little pneumonia has not been and will not be the biggest thing we go through, but I know this... He will not let me "go it alone." He is selfless when it comes to taking care of me. He shields me and he strengthens me.
This is why getting married at 31, every second I waited and longed for marriage, has been worth it. He was worth it. Single how he takes care of you when you are sick. Pay attention to the ways he tends to you when you are weak. Believe his behavior. These things matter if you plan to join your life with someone else. I promise they matter!