It's the cliche answer to the common question...who is your role model? Most everyone I know would say "my momma." I think it takes about 18 years of life before a young person really begins to give credit where credit is due. Now I am 32 and I find myself cherishing memories that my mom gave me, beyond incredibly difficult circumstances. The more I know about my personality, love languages and work ethic, the more I realize that we really are just one big grown up version of our childhood.
My mom grew up with polio and all the physical challenges it brought her. She lost her husband at the age of 34 years old. Mother of three. That's only two years older than me. While I do not remember his passing, I do remember the "pink elephant in the room" that was the underlying story of the emotions in our home. But, I had a healthier home with one parent than many have with the presence of two parents. My momma, strong as nails, never, not once, let anyone feel sorry for us. She put her emotions aside on our behalf. She is a picture of dignity and pride. She is a picture of great fortitude. And she NEVER EVER COMPLAINS.
She taught me to hold my shoulders up because everyone looks skinnier when they stand up straight and suck in. By watching her, I learned to smile and greet people, even if they were a stranger. She taught me how to cook without using a recipe (a trait that has paid off!) I still hear my mom saying "if you will just take 2 minutes and make up your bed, it will make your room look clean, and you'll be glad to come home to a made bed." She also never leaves the house without makeup and hates it when I do, ha! She never made an excuse for laziness. She made us fight our own battles and didn't try to fight them for us. Most of all, she had expectations for us. We knew we were expected to "do right" and make wise choices. Always. She raised three kids, who are independent and successful, all by herself. I think that's a modern day hero. Don't you?
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