Friday, April 6, 2012

Southern charm. Allow me to indulge for a bit...

I'll be the first to admit, I can't tolerate a redneck or those Southern Belle t-shirts. And sure enough, I have heard "where are you from, you have an accent" or "oh well that must be a southern thing" more times than I care to hear.
But every once in a while, I meet someone here in Colorado, who has experienced the "southern" where I come from and they understand what is to be desired. Blame it on Southern hospitality, but I think, perhaps, it is something more. A different quality or definition of kindness and community. A place where beef stew is still brought to the house of a sick friend. A place where favors are given freely because reciprocity is a way of life. And even though I am surrounded by kindness, by yoga, by beautiful landscapes beyond measure, I am homesick. I am not talking fried chicken or Pawluh Deeeeen. (Well, maybe I do miss crowder peas and can't find them in any supermarket anywhere). I am talking about family, enthusiasm, culture, and for-goodness-sakes, a full-bloom azalea bush in all her springtime glory. I have been away from Jackson for almost a year now. At first, it was like I was on a vacation with my new husband playing house. Now, we are settled into a place we plan to stay for a bit; I am working, he is working, we have set up our home and just now, with our warm weather, I am feeling the distance. 1200 miles to be exact. Not driving distance.
I am missing the familiarity of Jackson with places like Keifers, Julep and the patio at La Cazuela where I would meet up with my girls after work. The familiarity of going to anywhere and knowing at least one person there. The welcome culture of getting-together for food and laughter. Or just sitting in the front yard of Tracy's gorgeous Belhaven neighborhood while her girls climb on me. Maybe it's my momma's couch or my sister's big 'ole back porch on a warm Saturday with waterballoon fights with the neighbors. Or the creativity and passion of my artsy friends who choose to live life to its fullest. Or the fact that I can stomp my foot and raise my voice a few octaves so Courtney Yancey knows exactly my level of excitement! I suppose it's the 3 decades in the same place that gave me an appreciation of a life filled with rich relationships and meaningful circles of influence.
We love the weather of Colorado with her beautiful blue skies and constant breeze. We deeply appreciate being in one of the most beautiful parts of this country and experiencing the recreation it has to offer. I love sharing a home with a magnificent man who, at the risk of sounding cliche, is my soulmate and best friend. We wouldn't change it for the world.
While we are preparing to host an Easter lunch in our home on Sunday for some new friends (25-30 people to be exact), we are missing celebrating this holiday with my family and friends. It's time for new memories. And at the very least, I hope they feel the southern charm of deviled eggs and a warm home where they are always welcome.

1 comment:

tarapereyra said...

I have tears!! Show them who we are girl!!