Monday, June 1, 2009

new season

I feel almost as if i have had a pivotal 5 months or so, focusing on some improvements for myself. I am refreshed and empowered in a way that is hard to write. One of the major changes, is due to losing 41 lbs via a very strict all liquid diet. Now, before you judge me, and tell me that I will gain all of it back, just hear me out. I chose this program because i wanted to force myself to live nutritionally on the bare minimum. Most importantly it made me test 'Heather' to discover what she was made of, thus giving me control over soemthing that I have complete control of- my body and spirit.
For the past few years, a part of me had died and i slowly crept into a oppressed state, so slowly i didn't know that i was even experiencing it. There are other parties involved in this process, but i can't change them, accepted that and moved forward- i can only change me. So cheers to being a better heather. i always want to move forward with momentum.


Shea Stringer Long said...

ok, all I want to know is where did you loose this weight from. you are and will always be beautiful. congrats on your new journeys. change is always good for us.

Unknown said...

Heather, I'm so proud of you! Saw your beach pics on facebook and I am envious. I am a slave to many things, but mostly sleep and good food. Can't give up sleep completely, but I am with you on testing yourself with the liquid diet. It would be so 'freeing' to not worry about what to eat all the time. Congrats!!!

Anonymous said...

This is AWESOME!! Pre-tonsillectomy I was going strong on a elimination diet using nutritionally balanced shakes & soup mixes ( that my dr recommended. Before surgery I lost 20 lbs in 2 months, 5 more since surgery... but I still have about 100 more to go!!

Now I'm ready to *finally* get back to the gym after 3 months of tonsillitis & surgery!!
