Monday, June 8, 2009

On Forgiveness...

"Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you"Colossians 3:13

We all have wounds, small ones, big ones, deep wounds and shallow wounds. We can try to figure out why others do us wrong or why they hurt us deeply. And sometimes in our warped view of God, we think that anything bad that happens to us, or any hurt we experience, is some sort of judgement or punishment if we step slightly out of obedience to Him. Many times, I have been hurt because of someone else's inablity to do certain things. And truthfully, that is not their fault- it is the fault of my expectations of them.
"Forgive and Forget" that ole cliche' phrase has convinced us that forgetting is the goal of forgiveness, but forgiveness means wishing good things for that person, setting up boundaries so they can't hurt you any more. That is when forgiveness is in its fullest.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

A Sleeper's Lament

I always wondered when i would get to the honorable ranks of older folks who needed less sleep than I did. You know- the older generation rises early, has time for coffee, newspaper, a load of laundry and a chat with their significant other over an omlet....and all of this before heading to work at 8am.
Well, maybe i am getting there. I have had a noticeable decline in my ability to nap. And I am not able to fall into a "deep winter's" sleep like i once could. My family always pinned me as the sleepy one, who after a family meal, went straight to sleep on the couch like it was my duty.
Is it because I am knocking on 30? Is it due to hormones? Is it because I need less sleep? (i realize my friends reading this who have children, think i am spoiled, bc i STILL get more sleep than they).
Now, if i could just commit to reading the newspaper every morning, i would be officially old!

Monday, June 1, 2009

new season

I feel almost as if i have had a pivotal 5 months or so, focusing on some improvements for myself. I am refreshed and empowered in a way that is hard to write. One of the major changes, is due to losing 41 lbs via a very strict all liquid diet. Now, before you judge me, and tell me that I will gain all of it back, just hear me out. I chose this program because i wanted to force myself to live nutritionally on the bare minimum. Most importantly it made me test 'Heather' to discover what she was made of, thus giving me control over soemthing that I have complete control of- my body and spirit.
For the past few years, a part of me had died and i slowly crept into a oppressed state, so slowly i didn't know that i was even experiencing it. There are other parties involved in this process, but i can't change them, accepted that and moved forward- i can only change me. So cheers to being a better heather. i always want to move forward with momentum.