I am not the expert on cosmetics or esthetic services, but I have dabbled in my fair share of eye shadow palettes and for goodness sakes, worn a swimsuit in heels on a televised preliminary to the Miss America pageant. I love makeup, I am not going to lie. I will not flinch when I whip out my debit for $60 on two new eye colors. I think it's woman's best accessory. (Unless you have an ugly heart, and then, well, the only help for you is Jesus, not the MAC counter).The problem is that women get overwhelmed by the rules of "beauty" and makeup and give up on it all together. We all know a disenfranchised woman who forgot how to take care of her own skin and beauty somewhere along her journey of being a wife and mom or focusing on her career.
When I found out we were moving to Colorado, I felt this pressure the ditch the blush, purchase Teva sandals and secure a hippy headband for going out. I wish, oh how I wish, I could look "J Crew" with hair tosseled up in a hot-mess on top of my head, wearing head-to-toe khaki, but I am not "J Crew" never have been and never will be. (I think I said those exact words to an ex-boyfriend once). I am a designer-jean-with-wedge-sandal, blousy-top, hoop-earring-wearing, never leaves home without lipgloss kind of lady.
I have had several people ask me if I would teach them how to do smokey eye-makeup or how to walk in heels, both of which, I think are rights of passage as a female, ha! I often say to women: ask any man you know,what type of shoe is most attractive!?!. And if you hear a man who complains about women wearing makeup or being "dressed up" it's probably a reflection of their own insecurity. No woman has ever been faulted for their beauty, especially by a man.
So I want to share some important tips; just in case you don't know them:
1) The big 3: eyebrows, eyelashes and lips.
Often the eyebrow is overlooked. Filling them in with a powder or pencil frames your eyes and is VERY IMPORTANT. I have thin hair and thin, sparse eyebrows, so this is a necessity for me, even when I am going ala-naturale. Go to a makeup counter (I prefer MAC or Sephora) and ask them to show you their favorite powder or pencil. You will love how this, when done correctly, makes your eyes look. Another rule: you shall not have bold eyes and bold lips at same time. We call this a "clown." If you do dark eye, go with nude-glossy lip; bold lips choose a light eye color.
2) Apply blush according to shape of your face and the shape of your face when you smile. Get help with this.
3) Remove hair from your face. Often.Whichever method you choose: dermaplane at local spa, waxing, shaving, electrolysis... You will be amazed how good it looks and how your makeup stays on longer when the extra layer of fine hair is removed. Your face will look slimmer in photos as well, because the flash catches that layer of fine hair in the photo.
4) Keep nail polish remover handy. Especially if you are a professional. Nothing worse than a three-week-old burgundy nail polish on half of your nails.
5) Don't blow dry your hair in the same room you took your shower where it is hot and steamy. And try to angle your hairdryer above your head, blowing down. This is one reason our hair looks so smooth when we leave the salon, because they are styling our hair from above us, making fly-aways lie flat.
6) Use a black sharpie on your scuffed shoes, or your husband's shoes. (or brown for brown shoes).
7) Find the right bra. Round and perky = younger appearance. Self-explanatory.
8) Floss and Whiten. Your gums should be pink, not red. Pink gums are interpreted as healthy even to the untrained eye. Many times people ask me about tooth whitening because I used to be a hygienist. The goal is your tooth color match the whites of your eyes. That is typically what is considered appealing.
9) Witch Hazel is cheap astringent for your skin and used to be the only astringent for the older generation.
10) Be careful with powders around your eyes. If you are like me, you have wrinkles and laugh lines and powder makes them more noticeable.